Thank you for the opportunity to provide the following comments:
s. / s. - version numbers are sometimes embedded within document control software programs and not easily translated in hard copy or electronic copies of individual documents.
For all document control, it makes sense to mandate a date and page numbering... the version numbering is what may require duplication of effort (in manually transcribing version number from the software program's tracking system to header / footer of document).
- Consider editing these to state "a version number and/or date" on every page...
s. - some operating authorities may oversee a large number of drinking water systems and therefore, the title page might not have adequate space to include all details requested.
- Consider adjusting your wording to:
- a title that includes the names of the DWS owner and the operating authority; and include the Schedule C immediately following the title page that includes the Subject System information: DWS name(s)..., MDWL number(s)..., etc.
s. - some owners / OA's have their operational plan available in many separate documents - if the information is organized in a way that is easily navigated within folder structures (that could be zipped) and document numbering that is obvious - could this be permissible?
s.5.0.2 / s.5.0.3 - consider including ...available for viewing by the public "ON REQUEST" at the principal office...
The reason I mention this, is no one has ever requested to view the Operational Plan and I'd made many copies (that were kept up-to-date) over the years for City Hall that was never requested to be viewed. Also, there was a time when we had placed our Operational Plan on the city website, then removed it when it became an issue of being consistent with the current electronic copy (and in contravention of item #5.0.5). If available "ON REQUEST", compliance coordinators could prepare a current copy based on current versions and make available within a very short amount of time.
s.5.0.6 seems to be in conflict with all other parts of s.5.0. - Maybe this should be removed?
Submitted January 25, 2021 12:47 PM
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Proposed updates to the Director’s Directions - Minimum Requirements for Operational Plans
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