This facility is for the production of Cannabis. It is located on environmentally sensitive land, very close to, and draining into Lake Simcoe (which was just given a huge grant to ensure its environmental sustainability), and does not comply with the township zoning by-laws. Additionally the location is very near sensitive uses, and is located in the settlement area of Oro Station. The residents are affected by many other environmental issues---light, noise, smell. The solution for smell is to spray a deodoriser through the system. How would you like to spend your days and nights inhaling bathroom deodoriser, as well as the VOC's emitted?
These facilities are a plague on Oro-Medonte, and generally on all of Southern Ontario. Health Canada has neither the will nor the resources to properly govern the operation of these facilities. Municipal by-laws are an insufficient deterrent to their operations as the small fines, are just regarded as a cost of doing business.
Please do what you are charged to do, and protect the interests of all Ontarians.
Submitted November 17, 2020 11:15 AM
Comment on
Line Six Inc. - Environmental Compliance Approval (sewage)
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