I urge the Ministry to reject Flag Resources application for an exploration permit in the Wolf Lake area where one of the few remaining stands of old-growth forest in Ontario. Consider these startling facts:
1. less than 23% of the earth's land mass is still considered "wild". The rest has been impacted by human activity in some way and in many cases, severely degraded or to the point where ecosystems can no longer function.
2. 96% of the earth's biomass consists of humans and domesticated animals, the latter mostly livestock. Only a paltry 4% is comprised of wildlife.
3. I'm 65. Three-quarters of global carbon emissions have occurred in my lifetime but my generation sadly, has not taken any meaningful action to combat the climate crisis.
Preservation of old-growth forests is critical in providing natural climate resilience (old trees are much more effective in sequestering carbon compared to replanted trees or secondary growth) and for the protection of core wildlife habitat. Reliance on nature-based solutions (including protection of undisturbed wild spaces), must be a key element of a broader climate strategy in order to be effective. That's why permanent protection of the area around Wolf should be our goal.
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Submitted September 9, 2020 9:48 AM
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Mark Hall - Mineral exploration permit
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