The proposed sewage works…

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The proposed sewage works are on a property that abuts Wollaston Lake and the Deer River. The proposed sewage works are within the floodplain of the adjacent Wollaston Lake and Deer River. There is no storm water drainage study or analysis presented, as it would relate to these proposed sewage works.

The property is within an area of Site Plan Control, per the by-laws of Wollaston Township. An extensive development such as this sewage system on a property designated as being under Site Plan Control mandates that the Ministry of Environment is party to a Site Plan Control Agreement. There is not known to be any proposed Site Plan Control Agreement.

Wollaston Lake is designated as an "At Capacity Lake" under the Official Plan of the County of Hastings. As such, any nearby development requires a Lake Impact Study and Environmental Impact Study prior to proceeding. There are not known to such studies.

Further to this, between trailer parks and waterfront residential properties, there are approximately 600 households oriented to Wollaston Lake. A Lake Impact Study is necessary.

The documents related to this application are not available online, and have become entirely unavailable due to the recent COVID-19 crisis. It is very strongly suggested that the application be deferred until all relevant documents are available online, and the public therefore has a reasonable period of time to provide more informed comment about this proposed development. Documents located 100 kilometres away do not constitute reasonable public access in this online world.