The Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks will be receiving many comments on the ero regarding this proposal as compared to all other provincial ero postings for the same septage field spreading operation proposals by other businesses.. The Ministry of Environment and Environmental Registry of Ontario needs to take into consideration the effect from the use of social media to spread false information to garner support for the opposition of this proposal.
Most residents and followers of Facebook had reacted and opposed this proposal based on a lack of knowledge, understanding, and misinformation. Residents were led to believe that fields that are all along The Barry Line road, were to become "fields of human waste". They ASSUMED they would be driving right beside sewage laying on the ground. They were told this sewage was going to be spread all beside fields and backyards "where our children, our neighbours children and many friends play all the time." Without thinking, or checking to see if this was accurate information, the rumour mill took off. Facebook took over and social media ran with this. This misinformation was shared, uninformed comments made, petition signed, and ero comments registered. - All Based On False Information!
By the time cease and desist letters were issued, it was too late.
Many residents don't understand how their own septic works in their backyard. They had no idea that septage is not allowed in our town sewage plant. They have no idea that septage field spreading has been in operation around the County and province for years and years. They don't understand the process, the operation, the science, the necessity. It's their naivety that allows them to be influenced while sitting behind a computer screen.
The Highlander article attempted to clear some misinformation so that residents become more informed.
Most comments made to the ero will be based on ignorance, fear, speculation, and assumptions. No scientific facts, actual knowledge or properly informed decisions.
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Submitted February 21, 2020 6:02 PM
Comment on
David Elstone Operating As Haliburton Septic Pumping - Environmental Compliance Approval (waste)
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