I would like to address a misconception included in this proposal. Its states in the section on eliminating nonresident landowners and nonresidents immediately family members from being able to purchase a bear tag unless going through an outfitter that this is unfair and will redistribute these opportunities through the outfitters. Speaking as a nonresident landowner who participates in the opportunity to bear hunt in Ontario. If I can no longer bear hunt on my own I will no longer be purchasing bear tags and contributing to bear management in Ontario. I have my own place , I'm not coming to Ontario and going to an outfitter just so I can bear hunt and I believe most nonresidents landowners have the same feeling. All the sons, daughters, moms and dads who took advantage of Ontario's opportunity to bear hunt with immediate family will also no longer be bear hunting and purchasing expensive nonresident tags and contributing to wildlife management. Overall this will be 100% a net loss for revenue for Ontario wildlife conservation.
Submitted January 18, 2020 7:53 AM
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Proposed changes to black bear hunting regulations
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