There are two business at…

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There are two business at 103--111 Ingram Dr., one is Optimum, another is asphalt plant, this site land use is a long term concern in this area.

Ontario Environmental Protection Act (1990), land use Guideline D (1995) are not allowed pollution business too close to surrounding sensitive land uses because they cause or may cause adverse effects.

North York Zoning bylaw also prohibits recycle storage outdoor, and this site new zoning bylaw is under appeal, the Board orders: any site new zoning bylaw under appeal, its new zoning bylaw should be pending.

This site is adjacent to neighbor properties, very close to sensitive land uses like office, church etc, and municipal zoned residential area is within 300 meters, also their space is very small, all trucks come to the site line up on street, their operations have environmental impacts, all trucks come to this site bring in lots track exhaust too, and plus the above Ontario laws and Municipal zoning bylaw, we strong request Ministry do environmental assessment.

The asphalt plant set here in 1999, and Optimum here in 2003, since then this area environment is badly impacted, we believe both business at 103--111 Ingram Dr. make this site as main pollution source in this area.

Please do environmental assessment first!