Concerns Over the Extension Size and Hours of Operations
Negative impact to our community is documented in other communities’ fights against transfer station. They include, visual, odor, noise, traffic, and ground water issues as listed below:
• Truck traffic including leachate and trash escaping from trucks, heavy truck traffic, road infrastructure and damage, and increased noise.
• Noise pollution with large trucks, the trucks dropping loads that may still be encased in steel dumpsters onto concrete tipping floors which can cause adverse vibration in nearby structures.
• Odors escaping from open facility doors and unclean trucks.
• Falling property values and disease spreading due to external vectors such as bugs, birds, mice, and other vermin.
• Cumulative impacts on public health and quality of life from noxious odors, water quality contamination, increased external vectors, dust, and truck exhaust.
• Increased fire hazard involved in storage and transfer of materials.
• Litter and the resulting reduction of property values from improperly sealed trucks, improperly stored garbage, and from wind when doors are open.
• Property values will decrease due to above issues.
Submitted December 19, 2019 8:20 PM
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Optimum Environmental Corp. - Environmental Compliance Approval (waste)
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