#019-0868 Durham Stone Feversham expansion BWT
Local neighbours and the community as a whole were promised rehabilitation once the aggregate is exhausted. To extend the life of the pit inflicts the local community with years of more truck traffic, dust, noise, health impacts, tourism impacts, repressed property values and inconvenience.
Aggregate Licence #624551 is permitted for 70.75 ha / 175 acres and is not close to being exhausted. The proponent is prematurely requesting expansion out of greed not need with a future vision of a 39.9 ha / 100-acre pond.
Going below the water table would ruin the opportunity for productive agricultural land and trees as originally promised.
Going below the water table would contribute to the fragmentation of farmland, a key economic driver in the area.
Going below the water table jeopardizes water quality and quantity in a rural area where neighbours rely on well water.
Allowing changes to the site plan that extends the life of the pit and authorizes extraction below the water table would defeat the original intent and would be further proof that aggregate operators cannot be trusted to honor their agreements.
As a Taxpayer and Resident of Ontario, I object to amending the site plan to authorize extraction below the water table thus deferring rehabilitation of the site.
#ProtectOurWater #FoodAndWaterFirst
Submitted November 24, 2019 4:46 PM
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Durham Stone and Paving Inc. - Changes to the site plan for a pit or quarry
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