The Environmental Impact Study conducted by the developer’s consultant completely failed a Peer Review by North South Environmental, a highly respected firm. The developer ignored almost every recommendation made by North South:
• Redo the EIS by conducting the requisite field work at appropriate times of the year so that all SAR on the site can be identified- IGNORED
• Once all SAR have been identified, develop the Critical Habitat Zone (CHZ) for those species and measure the set-back/buffer zone from the PSW from the edge of the CHZ, not from the water’s edge- IGNORED
• Increase the proposed 30 metre set-back/buffer zone from the Tobie’s Bay PSW- IGNORED
• Abandon plans to have human activities, like tennis courts, within the buffer zone areas- IGNORED
• Provide a corridor underneath the entrance road into the subject property because the current road bisects the PSW and forces SAR and other species to travel up to the road and cross it in order to traverse the PSW. This puts them at risk of vehicular impact- IGNORED
• Ban golf carts and other off-road vehicles on the site- IGNORED
• Ban pets- IGNORED
• Provide buffer zones from the inland wetland areas that currently exist in the central core of the property where species are currently habituating-IGNORED
• Reduce the scope of the development- IGNORED
In addition, the site plan does not contemplate effective fire protection. There are no roads planned within the development, just narrow paths for golf carts. Municipal fire trucks will have to park at the front parking lot and there is no way to extend the fire hoses to the central and northern parts of the trailer park. Since the Tobie’s Bay PSW is full of dried bulrushes during certain times of the year, if fire protection for the trailer park itself is ineffective, this presents a continuing and significant fire hazard to the PSW and its many species.
And furthermore, there is a Judicial Review concerning the adequacy of the proposed sewage works which could have a major impact on the PSW and SAR if it turns out that the sewage works is inadequate and will release pathogen and toxic chemicals into the adjacent PSW. No further permissions should be granted by any government agency until the outcome of that Superior Court of Ontario Review is known.
Please turn down this application.
Submitted October 13, 2019 8:39 PM
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HH (MB) Limited Partnership - Permit for activities to achieve an overall benefit to a species
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