These all look like good suggestions do as many as you can ...
The applicant is evaluating the following ways to minimize adverse effects on individuals of the species:
choosing a bridge design with fewer in-water components to reduce impacts on the habitat
undertaking in-water works during times of the year when the species is less vulnerable to disturbance (i.e. during the spawning season)
reducing the overall footprint of the temporary rock causeways
implementing erosion, sediment control and containment measures
implementing targeted salvage measures to remove and relocate any individuals before placing in-water structures (i.e. temporary causeways and permanent piers)
implementing measures to slow river velocity if temporary causeways are found to be increasing flows above what is suitable for the species
The applicant is working with the ministry to identify proposed actions that would achieve an overall benefit for the species with may include:
creating new overwintering habitat downstream of the bridges
rehabilitating riparian habitat downstream by stabilizing the banks
contributing to improved water quality in the river by rehabilitating or replacing three drainage outlets
Submitted September 23, 2019 10:01 AM
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Ontario Ministry of Transportation - Permit for activities to achieve an overall benefit to a species
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