Please do not approve the Hastings County Official Plan Amendment No. 18. The OPA Amendment is not well thought out and many essential reports and studies have not been completed or peer reviewed. Hastings County have not asked all the right questions and probed what has been provided. The province must do this before approving the OPA Amendment.
The by-law change was approved before the OPA Amendment. This by-law change is already before the LPAT. The province should wait to see what issues are considered problematic by the LPAT who can do some of the probing that was not undertaken. There is no rush to approve OPA Amendment No. 18.
Permitting a quarry next to residential buildings and existing tourism businesses will have negative effects that ripple further than Bancroft. I live in Toronto and have for the last 8 years spent my vacations at Grail Springs. I go to Grail Springs to relax and connect with nature. Grail Springs is an existing business that has won numerous international spa and wellness awards. It is different than other spas in that every evening there are facilitators who give various presentations. Many help people cope in a complicated world. I find these meetings invaluable to my wellbeing.
Grail Springs is located within 1000 meters of the proposed quarry. The walking trails that I walk on every day during my stays (in summer, rain, winter) are within 500 meters of the proposed quarry site. I walk to the town of Bancroft and that road is within 50 meters of the proposed quarry site. An active quarry is not a compatible use with a wellness retreat. A crusher does not make a relaxing sound. Blasting does not make for a safe environment.
I also frequent a greenhouse that is within 150 meters of the proposed quarry site. I have friends who live within 150 meters of the proposed quarry site. The proposed quarry is incompatible with their businesses and use and enjoyment of their properties.
The quarry will have a negative impact on these businesses. Despite my friendships, I will not spend my vacation dollars next to a quarry. In the last 8 years, I have decided to go to Bancroft instead of overseas destinations. If the proposed quarry is approved, I will no longer go to Bancroft to vacation. I will not longer spend money in that community at stores and restaurants. I will likely not spend my vacation money in Ontario as I will not look for an alternative vacation destination.
I have watched this process unfold and it appear to an educated observer that the local representatives who approved the Official Plan Amendment did not consider the economic impact. They appear to have selected one business to prosper and other businesses to fail based upon who they like. This is not the basis for good land use planning.
Bancroft, Faraday, Hastings County have grown into a thriving tourism destination. It would be a shame if it reverted back to mining. People in this area need good paying jobs. The quarry proposed to add only 3 jobs. Many more tourism jobs will be lost if Official Plan Amendment No. 18 is approved.
Submitted September 13, 2019 3:08 PM
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Freymond Lumber - Approval to amend a municipality’s official plan
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