- a dry sump is being asked for. The idea is that water will slowly drain away through the fractured rock.
According to the hydrogeological study the rock in that area is impermeable. How will the water drain?
If it does drain as they expect the potential to flood and contaminate the neighbouring farmed hayfield is there. These contaminants then would get into our food system via the cattle on the farm.
-28 days are required to settle out silt and contaminants. If water is continually entering the sump and continually draining through the fractured rock there is no settling happening. Right?
-Who will monitor the water reports for contaminants? With self-reporting the company could take samples of water from anywhere to be submitted for testing and send those results in.
-the drainage was altered within the quarry prior to getting the sewage ECA amendment approved. Does this not require a new hydrogeological study?
-the proposed new quarry has no sewage ECA. The proposal is to use the new sump in the existing quarry to handle the water from the proposed quarry which is twice the size of the existing one. The amount of water from these two quarries can potentially do greater damage to the hayfield and may also enter our wells and contaminate them.
-since April, 2019 the water from the settling ponds and the ground water have been pumped over a berm onto agricultural land owned by this company. There is potential for this contaminated water to enter our wells especially those on the west side of the quarry.
-we do not wish to go through trying to prove that the quarry is responsible for contaminating or draining our well and then getting our well water back.
Submitted September 1, 2019 2:49 PM
Comment on
Coco Properties Corporation - Environmental Compliance Approval (sewage)
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