ROF risk to Canadian finances, health and welfare unacceptable #ProtectOurWater #ProtectCanadians
Posted by Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines
Proposal posted: May 24, 2019
Comment period: May 24, 2019 - June 23, 2019 (30 days)
I am concerned about the short- and long-term impacts of exploring and mining the Ring of Fire.
I worry that the science and cost/benefit analyses of mining the Ring of Fire will be limited, inadequate and weighted in favour of mining so good decisions will not be made.
I worry that exploitation of the minerals and metals resources will follow the Canadian oil sands paradigm (ultimately being significantly owned by foreign companies, poor tailings management, poor environmental record, negative impacts and risks to local residents, Canadian Taxpayers left to clean-up the mess,).
I worry that water will be contaminated. #WaterIsLife
I worry that Canadians will not get enough revenue from exploitation of the natural resources (like De Beers diamond mining).
I worry that a strong mining industry lobby will result in excessive subsidies paid by our government(s) (like the $3.3 billion allocated to fossil fuel producers).
I worry that First Nations as local residents will not be adequately consulted or involved.
I worry that Canadian government(s) will knowingly allow a mess to occur (similar to plastics recycling, shipping waste to the Philippines, or Grassy Narrows).
I worry that Canadian government(s) will mishandle the royalties received from mining the ring of fire, spending all today with nothing for tomorrow (along the lines of Alberta’s boom/bust fiscal policy).
I worry that mining the Ring of Fire will be detrimental to Canadian Taxpayers in the long run.
Therefore, as an Ontario Resident and Taxpayer, I object to approval of these mining claims permits.
Submitted June 3, 2019 7:19 PM
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Joerg Kleinboeck - Mineral exploration permit
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