According to MSDS and basic available information proven by science, Ammonia, Nitrogen Oxide and
Lactic Acid all have harmful effects on humans when inhaled.
Here's some of the effects: burning of the nose, throat and respiratory tract, bronchiolar and
alveolar edema, airway destruction resulting in respiratory distress or failure, increase a
person's vulnerability to, and the severity of, respiratory infections and asthma and kidney
damage. Long-term exposure can cause chronic lung disease, adverse reproductive effects and
mutagenic effects. Chronic exposure can cause blood effects. Facts.
Asking the residents of this area to be exposed to an increase of these dangerous chemicals is
Having lived in this area for just over 5 years, I have witnessed an significant increase in
transport truck traffic, doubling of electro-magnetic radiation from the hydro plant, the dismissal
of public concern for an unsupported men's homeless shelter (disproportionate to the area's need
and ability to service), the sale of public green space and disregard for the dangers of flood
plain mis-management. Insulting it's residents further by blowing more toxic chemicals into our air
is a blatant disregard for the wellbeing of the residents in this area that already suffer the
highest rates of asthma in the city.
I appreciate your serious consideration to the concerns of the human beings in this area. I hope
that another human being in charge of making this decision will consider how they may feel if they
lived here. Thank you.
[Original Comment ID: 215068]
Submitted May 17, 2019 3:12 PM
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Ryding-Regency Meat Packers Ltd. - Environmental Compliance Approval (air)
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