This is a last-minute…

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This is a last-minute request to let sanity, order, and the public good prevail. This quarry does not fit into the Official Plan of the City of Kawartha Lakes and is not welcomed by anyone who lives in close proximity. The MNR and all other levels of government MUST serve the interests of the majority of the residents (and voters) in any municipality or region. The wishes of one land owner CANNOT be given favour over the wishes of the majority of land owners in the area. The proposed quarry has no place in Dalton Township and will ruin the entire area. I urge you to deny the licence application. My rights and the rights of my neighbours will be infringed if you decide otherwise. This quarry will bring no economic benefits to the area or the municipality and the applicant has not presented any positive reasons for the existence of the quarry. This is my heartfelt objection to the quarry and is my second objection registered with the EBR registry. Your guidelines do not seem to limit the number of objections that can be registered but if you have to choose one you should use my earlier objection as my formal complaint. I don't know how many ways to say please do not ruin our community but I really hope that you deny this application. Thank you for your consideration.