Dear Inspector(s), and…

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Dear Inspector(s), and anyone else who may read this, I hope you do get to this comment, being submitted effectively at the end of the comment period for the EBR, but I hope more that you view the proposal fairly as what it is, the concept of gaining one resource while risking another. Such an exchange can often be warranted, but in this case? Trading the safety of a habitat of quite possibly several endangered species in exchange for lots of small rocks, and not even particularly special ones at that. If it were diamonds that also cured cancer or some other sort of vanishing irreplaceable resource, it might be debatable as to which made our country a better place. Gravel does not qualify. Perhaps my sarcasm is misdirected, but it is truly heartfelt, and I feel it would be a tragedy if the proposal went through and resulted in damage to the Provincial Park... parks which now officially exist primarily as a form of ecological protection - something the quarry proposal is rather at odds with.