Dear Mr. Cutmore,
We own a cottage on the eastern shore of Lower Lake Dalrymple and we were shocked to hear recently
of the proposed granite quarry at the top of Lake Dalrymple Road. I grew up in Muskoka and my
family and I consider Ontario to be the most wonderful place in the world to live - because of its
green space and network of parks and conservation areas. Despite those spaces, Ontario has a
tremendous number of at-risk species and biodiversity is threatened. At Dalrymple we are surrounded
by quarries already, and the area is home to one of the most unusual and fragile ecosystems on the
globe, the alvar. The idea of cutting into this area once again with a quarry of this size, which I
understand is proposed to go 60 meters BELOW the water table, and to be in operation of one hundred
and thirty years, is appalling.
I am strongly opposed to industrial activities that threaten Ontario's protected areas and I most
definitely do not support the creation of a crushed granite quarry just outside of the boundary of
Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands Park, Ontario's second largest park south of Algonquin. Allowing a
massive mining operation within five hundred metres of a unique and sensitive ecosystem will cause
irreparable damage to the scenic beauty, uncontaminated lakes, and the abundance of wildlife that
exist within and around its boundaries. This park is one of the most diverse and least disturbed
natural areas found in Central Ontario, with its fifty-plus flora systems.
Quarries and open pit mines are so horribly destructive. All vegetation, indeed all soil, is
removed, and of particular concern here is network of water systems, rivers, creeks, Lake Dalrymple
itself. I have been unable to get an answer on where the millions of litres of water that the
quarry will demand for its day to day operations are going to be "downloaded" from. Lake Dalrymple
is already very shallow. Are we going to be cottaging beside a mud patch once the quarry is
underway? Our other concern is air quality. The prevailing wind in the area is from north to south.
Are we going to be covered with quarry dust from now on? Granite contains silica, so presumably
dust from crushed granite is a silica dust. Silica is designated as a hazardous material, adding
another risk to this already unhealthy operation.The quarry firm suggests they will keep the dust
down with constantly spraying water. Again, where is that water going to be taken from? The
blasting is of course another major concern as it will seriously effect the wildlife and the
quality of life for all of us who have loved that area for its peacefulness, and its beauty. All of
this is about to be stripped away. It is truly shocking and the small country highway is going to
become the trucking lane for this huge industrial undertaking.
Again, let me reiterate: Giofam Investment Inc.'s proposal calls for mining 200,000 tonnes of
granite annually and it will require a “Permit to Take Water of 8.1 million litres/day”. The impact
that this tremendous water taking will have on both water quality and quantity will be devastating.
Groundwater is our and our neighbours sole source of drinkable water around Dalrymple and
Sebright. I suggest, I fear, that this proposed mining operation is a public health risk. Giofam
currently plans to monitor wells within a one kilometre radius of the quarry. This means that as
few as three properties may have their wells tested annually - this is certainly not adequate when
the proposal calls for such an enormous takedown of water. If water quality and quantity are to be
sufficiently monitored, the well monitoring needs to be carried out in at least a three kilometre
radius and probably more. Giofam's expected water use will be equivalent to the average consumption
of approximately 10,000 households! (That's based on Environment Canada’s published per capita
residential consumption in Ontario of 260 litres per day, three persons per household).
So they are taking water in order to spray to keep down the dust they are creating, and then the
dusty water from the open pits will be fed into nearby watercourses, which will then flow into the
Cranberry and Head River watersheds. So in addition to the risks of pulling millions of litres of
water out of the ground, there is the risk posed by then discharging this amount of dust-laden
water into the Cranberry River, which could double its flow rate! This kind of extensive
environmental impact doesn't sound good to me!
The new Clean Water Act ensures protection for our drinking water at its primary source and
promises to prevent problems before they occur. Protection of our water resources is priority and
law; therefore it must take precedence over a proposed quarry. As far as I have been able to
ascertain, if a problem arises with the quarry operation, there is no ‘Plan B’ for our drinking
The impact on the area is going to be huge. Blasting, dust, noise, vibrations, lights, truck
traffic, fuelling and maintenance will have a profoundly negative effect on a special and beautiful
agricultural environment. At a moment in history when we are supposed to be moving towards buying
local farm produce, GioFam is about to be given permission to strip the land bare of all vegetation
and to have a profoundly negative effect on surrounding farmlands.
The MNR must stop issuing below-ground water permits to the aggregate industry, and Ontario must
reduce its demand for new aggregate. We must not forget why we have provincial parks in the first
place - they meet a number of objectives: protection, heritage appreciation, recreation, and
tourism. If quarries are permitted right beside our parks, these values will certainly be
compromised. An area so important as Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands Park should not be classified as
“protected” if a massive quarry is allowed on the outskirts of its boundaries, destroying
contiguous wetlands and forest habitats.
It is imperative that you deny this quarry licence. Approval of this proposal will critically
affect public health and the quality of the natural environment.
Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this process.
Sincerely yours,
Our family (see name and contact information in above submission boxes)
Submitted May 16, 2019 11:29 AM
Comment on
Giofam Investments Inc. - Issuance of a licence to remove over 20,000 tonnes of aggregate annually from a pit or a quarry
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