This is Government as usual!…

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This is Government as usual!!! You are allowing a quarry that will take out 2,000.000 tonnes of aggregate within 10 years on the borders of a Provincial Park QE11 Wildlands and you are only informing the people within 120 metres, and in the Orilla neighbourhood. What abot the rest of us here in Ontario that love that area? I object for the following reasons Object as a provincial citizen to a quarry so close to the QEII Wildlands Provincial Park; and that it will affect the ecological integrity of the area. Object to the damage this will cause to the species at risk listed under Ontario’s Endangered Species Act Object to drawing down the water table in a significant wetland that will have an impact on adjacent ecosystems Object to the environmental impacts related to the silica dust and added truck traffic that will occur during the quarry operations. Object to the manner in which this was done, confusing public process with different dates for comments within the Environmental Bill of Rights (July 23rd) and the Aggregate Resources Act (already closed on July 10, 2009). These public comment periods should have been clear and synchronized to facilitate a good public process and advertised in the Toronto paper, where a number of citizens own property in the adjacent lands. But, as I said in the beginning, this is Government as usual always trying to sneak something past the public, every thing is done in a clandestine are ruining our country......your children will remember that you have had a hand in destroying our beautiful lands!!!!