As stewards of creation, it is our responsibility as Canadians to protect the environment we have
been entrusted with. Any human activity that seeks to destroy habitats of wildlife, especially when
those species are endangered, should be considered not in light of the financial profit that will
be garnered, but rather, the environmental damage that will be done - financial gain is finite
whereas environmental damage is infinite in the sense that damaging one aspect of an ecosystem
necessarily creates unknown plethoras of reactions, both foreseen and not foreseen. Financial gain
can only be to the benefit of a few, whereas environmental damage will aversely effect untold
generations of Canadians.
It is time that our government responds to the concerns of ordinary Canadians, rather than
capitulating to the demands of corporations. It is also the responsibility of our government to
ensure that our country's beauty and resources will continue to be available to the generations
after us. Thus far, our elected officials have done a very poor job of doing this, and it is my
hope that this proposal will be rejected in favor of safeguarding our natural resources from
greedy, environmentally derelict corporations.
Thank you for your consideration.
Submitted May 16, 2019 11:24 AM
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Giofam Investments Inc. - Issuance of a licence to remove over 20,000 tonnes of aggregate annually from a pit or a quarry
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