The following is and except from a paper written on strategies to mitigate salt run off. "Mitigating salt runoff at salt storage and salt truck maintenance facilities has become a concern for many state departments of transportation (DOTs), since their storm water discharge is found to pollute the environment. The use of nonstructural and structural best management practices (BMPs) are required to minimize the generation of liquid waste containing salt and to minimize the potential hazard caused by salt runoff." No where in this abstract does it indicate that liquid waste containing salt can safely be removed from the equation.The only recommendation is that the liquid waste containing salt be stored for reuse not to be returned to the environment. An alternate remedy would be to allow the salt solution to evaporate and remove the remaining salt once dry. Anything short of this would be irresponsible.
Submitted May 16, 2019 11:09 AM
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1213427 Ontario Corporation - Environmental Compliance Approval (sewage)
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