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I would like to register my opposition to this proposal. My family has owned a cottage property on Young's Lake for over 50 years. During that time, we have swam and fished in the lake, hiked in the surrounding woods, and tried to be good stewards of the environment in our treatment of the land and water. A granite quarry in such close proximity to this rural/residential area should be a non-starter. The health hazards from the dust, the noise pollution from the various machines in the quarry, and the increased truck traffic on a winding country road not intended to handle such a load are just some of the reasons this proposal should be rejected. In addition, the operator's express desire to drill down below the water table should raise enough red flags with the environmental ministry to ensure that the project is rejected. Where is the guarantee for the residents of the area, all of whom are dependent on that water table, that the water will not become contaminated, or indeed, that it will even be there after a few years? As if these arguments were not enough, the fact that the proposed quarry is located next to the Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands Provincial Park should be enough to stop it. What is the point of having a wildlife protected area if we are going to allow the air to be poisoned and the water to be siphoned off? How is that protecting the wildlife, which includes some endangered species? I sincerely hope that this proposal will be rejected.