I worry that the environmental consequences of this Quarry have not been adequately assessed.
As stated by the CPAWS wildlands league, this quarry is right on the border of Queen Elizabeth II
Wildlands Provincial Park and will draw on the wetlands water tables. We're very lucky in this
region not to have too many water problems (although this is changing) and wetlands are crucial to
maintaining this status. Manipulating wetlands is a bad idea in the best of circumstances, but
provincial parks are protected and should absolutely not be changed in this manner.
I hope that there will be a more careful examination of the impacts on the park before this Quarry
is given the go-ahead.
Thank you.
Submitted May 16, 2019 11:04 AM
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Giofam Investments Inc. - Issuance of a licence to remove over 20,000 tonnes of aggregate annually from a pit or a quarry
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