I stand against Dufferin's activities across Ontario. Their projects benefit the urban center
primarily, but draw most heavily from rural lands. Dufferin's intention to use the aquifer at
Aliston to wash gravel is offensive. The notion of duty to consult is reflective of the history of
oppression in Canada. Consultation is simply telling someone what you will do to them. At no
point do big companies give stakeholders with less legal muscle the ability to deny consent to
If dufferin aggregates and related urban expansionist industries were actually serving the benefit
of all Canadians, they would extend their roads and bridges to the most isolated of communities.
I frankly hate seeing dufferin signage along our roadways knowing the complete disregard the
corporate staff have for the environment.
Submitted May 15, 2019 9:45 AM
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CRH Canada Group Inc - Issuance of a licence to remove over 20,000 tonnes of aggregate annually from a pit or a quarry
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