We want a moratorium on any expansion and any water taking permits for CRH-Canada - Dufferin
Aggregate at the Teedon Pit in the Waverley Uplands. This Company has not done a cumulative
impact study, nor has it installed turbidity monitors. They are not being good Corporate Citizens.
Scientists need to complete their studies of this Alliston Aquifer with the purest water in the
whole world. People in this area have already experienced intermittent turbidity.
We cannot allow an aggregate company to possibly destroy this aquifer. No aggregate operations
should take place on or beside an aquifer. Nor should they be allowed to suck up a million litres
of this precious water to wash gravel. It's appalling. Why are they not recycling and reusing the
same water?
How is this Ministry of Natural Resources protecting our Ontario Groundwater, our Aquifers, if they
are allowing this kind of activity? If the policies and regulations are allowing this kind of
activity, then they need to be changed immediately because they are not protecting our groundwater.
Our ministries are supposed to be protecting our groundwater, not make money off selling the water.
It is not for sale. We defeated Dump Site 41 in 2009. The aquifer was supposed to be placed
under PERMANENT protection then. Why did that not happen?
The Alliston Aquifer is at risk and Ontario citizens mean to put an end to this immediately. We
Oppose Any Expansion and Water Taking Permits - A Moratorium at once. This will be a litmus test
for the current Government. Ontario citizens are watching.
Submitted May 15, 2019 9:45 AM
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CRH Canada Group Inc - Issuance of a licence to remove over 20,000 tonnes of aggregate annually from a pit or a quarry
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