May 6th, 2019
Application Assessment Officer
Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
Operations Division
Environmental Approvals Access and Service Integration Branch
Application Assessment Unit
135 St. Clair Avenue West,, Floor1
Toronto, ON M4P 1 P5
Dear Sir/Madam:
RE: Application for Site Plan Approval (D07-12-18-0141) and Zoning By-law Amendment
(D02-02-18-0088) 2596 Carp Road, City of Ottawa
Ministry Reference Number: 8439-B4WKG4
The site plan setbacks and stormwater management plan claim to protect Huntley Creek by restricting
development to outside the 100 year floodplain and by providing a 15m setback from the Creek’s
meander belt. A 15m buffer is hardly conservative. Given that we have essentially had 100 year
flood events in the area in both 2017 and 2019, the accuracy of the current boundaries for either
the 100 year floodplain or the meander belt must be called into question. This area is subject to
flooding. Considering that concrete, cement aggregate and sand trucks will all be subject to
unintended wash-off during rain events, and that the washout ponds are in the open, provisions for
stormwater management appear inadequate to protect Huntley Creek and the groundwater that the
surrounding community relies on.
Submitted May 15, 2019 9:40 AM
Comment on
1384341 Ontario Ltd. operating as Cavanagh Developments - Environmental Compliance Approval (sewage)
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