Important new perspectives in the 2014 PPS just released gives more clarity on how both the public
and the relevant jurisdictions can evaluate the application for a Class “A” Category 1 licence
(beneath the water table) to extract gravel from their 100 acre farm (Part lot 27, Concession 7 in
the Township of Chatsworth, in geographic area Holland Centre.
The PPS 2014 provides legislation that both acknowledges and requires protection of rural areas
with special needs. The Community of Berkeley occupies the 4 corners of the intersection of Sixty
Sideroad and Highway 10 where 50 - 100 trucks per day will exit the Township road and turn onto
Provincial highway #10.
In the Key Changes under ***Northern and Rural Communities***
"Recognize the diversity of settlement areas and rural areas and that some municipalities are
experiencing no growth or declining population"
This describes the situation in the Community of Berkeley. Its population remains stagnant at
approximately 200 souls. There’s a post office, a gas station, two small businesses, home or
“cottage industries” and a riding stable popular with tourists for many years, all within the
intersection proper. Sideroad 60 is the only road providing access to the rest of the community,
going east and west of Highway 10. The balance of the community on the Sideroad is rural,
residential, light commerce and farming. The demographics maintain the trend in the whole of the
Township of Chatsworth, predominantly persons over the age of 54.
To all appearances, it’s a sleepy, peaceful community reminiscent of the 1950s. However, behind
its appearance is a youthful energy struggling to develop Berkeley and its surroundings into a
vibrant community.
At the intersection, children play on the Sideroad, in front of their homes and cross to Berkeley
Park. Young entrepreneurs have established new small businesses and a young farmer, already
successful with highest awards to his goat herd, propel the area into a sense of well-being and
future prosperity. Horse farms with yearlings occupy roadside paddocks, valuable crops line both
sides of 60 Sideroad, and Provincially Significant Wetlands and Hazard Lands have their banks
about a metre from the roadside edges.
Developers have been busy constructing new homes all along 60 Sideroad, east and west of the
proposed pit, and onto its tributaries, Veterans’Rd. S. and the West Back Line. During the
summer, cyclists, hikers, riders and their horses mix with the general outdoor life of a country
road - mothers with babies in strollers and young students visiting the virtual classroom in our
Natural Heritage sites.
All of this land use is compatible with one another. And, all this compatibility, the hopes of
the young farmers, families and businesses for well-being and prosperity in the Berkeley Community
threatens to come to an abrupt and brutal end.
If the Bumstead Pit application to extract gravel is approved, 50 – 100 trucks will transport
gravel from the proposed Bumstead Pit, 6 days a week, 7 months of the year, 18 – 20 years. The
Bumstead Pit application makes no mention of Berkeley and the surrounding community on Sideroad 60.
There is not a single word of acknowledgement that there may be negative impacts to the economy,
to the environment, to the health and safety of the population or a vision of the quality of life
that will never be realized if the proposed application is approved.
In order to succeed in their ambitions, at the lowest cost to themselves, the proponents ignore the
very existence of the Berkeley community and therefore have no mitigation plans to protect the
public from the hazards to health from operations in the pit, along the haulage route and within
Berekely. Dust particulates of 2.5 pm and “black soot” emissions from diesel engines are extremely
dangerous to human health and the environment.
Concerns are growing and protests are escalating. Evidence exists that there is a “huge adverse
impact on citizens’ health, especially in pulmonary related problems. We have a significant
increase in patient admission, costing our health care system a significant amount of money and
resources” (Benny Thannikkotu, MD. FRCSC. FACS, Medical Officer of Health, Region of Peel Health
Services, speaking about aggregate operations and their cumulative impacts on local airsheds).
1.1.1 (c) avoiding development and land use patterns which may cause environmental or public health
and safety concerns
Yet there are no contingency plans in the event of a diesel spill in the wetlands area nor
sufficient practices described to mitigate negative impacts of diesel fume emissions. No response
has yet been received to our demand that an environmental compliance approval be obtained from the
Ministry of the Environment. The approval should confirm that air pollution coming from the
proposed pit operations and along the haulage route, not only meets the required standards, but
also ensures that the instrument is sufficiently protective of human health. No traffic safety
study has been undertaken. And there are no offers to compensate the losses suffered by the
Due to truck traffic, noise, dust and a scarred landscape, all new housing development will cease
and those small business who would have benefitted from the construction, from the growth in the
population in an expanding settlement, with consumer needs and demands, will relocate before
failure stares them down.
1.1.1 (d) avoiding development and land use patterns that would prevent the efficient
expansion of settlement areas in those areas which are adjacent or close to settlement areas.
A gravel pit in an economically struggling rural and settlement area, will depress economic
development and virtually smother the growth of Berkeley.
1.1.3 Settlement Areas
“The vitality of settlement areas is critical to the long-term economic prosperity of our
communities” Settlement areas shall be the focus of growth and development and their vitality and
regeneration shall be promoted
Let the housing development continue in this community. Encourage more young farmers to invest in
Prime Agricultural soils that surround the proposed pit. Give families with children the reasons
to stay, become educated, practice their professions, marry and have children of their own in the
Township of Chatsworth. Provide grants to stimulate the young businesses in Berkeley. Allow the
influx of city folk who want to retire here, sustain the housing industry and create the demand for
manufacturing. Sustain the interest in holidaying in our area by keeping the roads an attractive,
assessable and safe passage for enjoyment.
1.1.4 Rural Areas in Municipalities
“It is important to leverage rural assets and amenities and protect the environment as a foundation
for a sustainable economy” "Opportunities to support a diversified rural economy should be promoted by protecting
agricultural and other resource related uses and directing non-related development to areas where
it will minimize constraints on these uses."
The Official Plan of Grey County is precise in its support of this legislation in their own
Official Plan:
"To direct land uses which are not related to or compatible with agriculture, away from
agricultural uses".. (O.P. 1.6.4)
The foregoing Provincial Policy statements considering the needs for protection and promotion of a
settlement area and a Prime Agricultural area suffer a state of conflict when we raise the
“Do we need the Bumstead Pit?” "Demonstration of need for mineral aggregate resources, including any type of supply/demand
analysis, shall not be required",
Of whom is it not required to make an analysis of supply and demand for gravel? The aggregate
industry or the proponent? Who else is not required to provide a needs analysis? Grey County?
The Township of Chatsworth? The Province?
The County is free to consult and undertake an economic feasibility study in order to make land
use decisions based on their goal to balance the needs of the County. Presumably that includes an
analysis of the need for gravel. Why not? How could the economic development plans of the County
proceed without understanding the nature of the need for aggregate in light of supply and demand
parameters both locally and in large urban centres?
3.6 (b) limited non-residential uses 3. "there is an identified need within the planning horizon
provided for in policy 1.1.2 for additional land to be designated to accommodate the
proposed use"
What does “planning horizon” mean if it does not intend to include a broad examination of the
requirements for another gravel pit in the County and that the additional land for another pit
should be provided for by Berkeley and the 60 Sideroad community to accommodate it?
If there is an “identified need” for gravel and if there is a need for “additional land” to
“accommodate the proposed use”, and this land is only available in the 100 acre farm on the
north/east corner of Sideroad 60 and Veterans’ Road S, 4.5 km west of Berekely, in the middle of
established agricultural and residential land uses, then we insist on the studies that prove it,
undertaken by the County of Grey, and that the public have access to the observations and
recommendations before amendments to the Official Plan to re designate the Bumstead Farm from
agricultural to M3-Extractive Industrial and the application for an amendment to the Township Of
Chatsworth Bylaws to rezone the farm to M3-Extractive Industrial are decided.
Further, we insist that County and Township show us how, in detail, that the proposed Bumstead
gravel pit
"will serve a greater long-term public interest.........." (b) to the Berkeley and the
Sideroad 60 community.
In addition the “quality and quantity” of the gravel available beneath the earth of the proposed
Bumstead Pit site, should meet the standards of the Ministry of Natural Resources ARA for the
assessment of warrant. ARA Matters to be considered by the Minister 12, (1) (i)
Inclusion of alternative aggregates is an essential part of any needs analysis. According to the
Ministry of Transport, new mega highway projects are smaller. Between 10 and 12 km long , all
well served by close to urban centre pits and quarries.
The MTO boasts increasing use of alternative aggregate, consuming 62% fewer aggregates and costing
40 - 50% less. In 2010, our own Hwy 6 from Mars to Tobermory, 66 km, was the largest single
cold-in-place (recycling concrete and asphalt pavements) resurfacing project ever completed by the
Finally, no licence should be granted without demonstrable assurances that the Ministry of Natural
Resources has met this overarching planning policy with respect to the conclusions of the above
County investigations into needs:
Planning Act
Section 6 (2) Planning Policies
“A ministry, before carrying out or authorizing and undertaking what the ministry considers will
directly affect any municipality, shall consult with, and have regard for, the established planning
policies of the municipality.”
After all, a whole community is being forced to alter its way of life, live with threats to their
health and safety, face losses to their property value, losses to agriculture, tourism, housing and
small business and face a negative impact on a fragile environment for 18 – 20 years. (beyond the
lifespan of most of the community elders). Therefore, it should not be unreasonable for the
affected population to be informed, respectfully, with the answers to these reasonable and
legitimate requests.
Until then, we object most adamantly to the Bumstead Pit application for a Class "A" Categpru 1
(Beneath the Water Table) gravel pit.
Respectfully submitted.
Submitted May 6, 2019 3:10 PM
Comment on
Brian and Pearl Bumstead - Issuance of a licence to remove over 20,000 tonnes of aggregate annually from a pit or a quarry
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