I have a series of questions that I hope can be answered before a decision can be made.
- where is this new exit that is referred to in the notes but is not indicated anywhere else and
hence we do not know its’ location , so how is it possible to make comment on it ???
- Why was a letter not sent to the MOECC requesting them to comment, especially since an
Environmental Assessment is currently in progress on part of this site?
- If the rehabilitation plan is to be changed, why can the public not have an adequate chance to
have input and to try and obtain some of the rehabilitation features that sites like St. Marys ,
Innerkip , Port Colbourne and other communities have ????
- What parcel of land has ever been surrendered since the inception of this quarry ??
- How long is “interim use” suppose to be? 100 years?
- Since the current rehabilitation plan shows that the large Lake in the South West Corner of
licence 2136 is “REHABILITATED” and is no longer to be quarried, why is it not being surrendered as
part of this application ?
A response to these questions before a decision is made on this application would be greatly
Submitted May 6, 2019 2:59 PM
Comment on
Carmeuse Lime (Canada) Limited - Changes to the conditions of a licence to operate a pit or quarry
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