The Oxford Environmental Action Committee (OEAC) is requesting that the concurrent comment periods for the following EBR numbers be extended to a minimum of 90 days: 012-9852, 012-9850, 012-9849, 012-9848, 012-9845, 012-9843. Reasons for requesting an extension include the following: -public interest in activities involving this large aggregate property is high, with over 80,000 comments submitted so far regarding the proposed Walker landfill on this site (licence 2136), over 6,500 submitted on the last Permit to Take Water application for the site, and many substantial comments submitted during Carmeuse's last proposal for a change in their rehabilitation plan for phase 1 of licence 2136 -The site includes an Earth Science ANSI -The site has been identified in the Thames Sydenham Source Protection Plan as a Highly Vulnerable Aquifer and Significant Groundwater Recharge Area -the site is in close proximity to Ingersoll and Beachville's municipal supply wells -the MNRF has not made documents related to the proposed site plan alterations available via EBR links or elsewhere online -The MNRF staff member noted on the EBR has thus far been away from the office for 1/4 of the given 30-days -Municipalities were not circulated documents related to the proposal on the comment start date of February 14th -the changes proposed in the 6 EBR postings are complex given the activities currently occurring and proposed to occur on the site -the MNRF's Statement of Environmental Values requires the ministry to "provide opportunities for an open and consultive process when making decisions that might significantly affect the environment" -the OEAC submits that if the comment period for this significant and complex set of proposals is not extended to a minimum of 90-days, that the MNRF will not have met their obligations under the Environmental Bill of Rights
Submitted May 6, 2019 1:44 PM
Comment on
Carmeuse Lime (Canada) Limited - Changes to the site plan for a pit or quarry
ERO number
Comment ID
Commenting on behalf of
Comment status