012-3678 Township of Southgate AR Licence Application 2015 Southgate Road 22 1. Summary Statement Reports and Site Plans: a) Proponent has not provided substantial details with regard to progressive rehabilitation as required under Official Plan, PPS and MNRF AR Provincial Standards and AR Policies and Procedures Manual. -What is the Proponent’s Sustainable Soil Management Plan to Ensure Success of Progressive Rehabilitation? -Proponent has not provided substantial details to sustain healthy top soil during aggregate extraction or progressive rehabilitation which could cover a period of 10 to 20 years. -What method is the Proponent using to separate top soil from sub soil before and during rehabilitation? -What remedial plan will the Proponent be using to ensure that living organic and microbial organisms continue to live in the top soil while stored in stock piles or berms during the Aggregate Extraction Operation or Rehabilitation Period? -What type of Plants are included in the Soil Management Plan that are high in organic matter which decrease erosion and reduce soil particles blowing away with the wind or washing away in the rain? -How will the Proponent’s treatment of the pit floor and internal haul routes that has been packed down from equipment and trucks resulting in less infiltration, diminished water-storage capacity of soil before commencing rehabilitation? -How often should the Proponent test top soil conditions? -How often will the Proponent monitor the performance of their progressive rehabilitated plans to return gravel pits to agricultural land for this AR Licence Application and the existing four AR Licenced Pits? See Item 3. below. b)Letter of Opinion/Hydrogeology Report: What is the Proponent’s source of water to mitigate dust? Has the MNRF’s or MOE’s qualified Geoscientist or Professional Engineer reviewed surface and groundwater reports, site plans and conducted onsite inspection of current and existing conditions. Groundwater monitoring program must be implemented by Proponent to confirm interpretations in Hydrogeology Report as well as annual testing of surface and groundwater quantity and quality. Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority (SVCA) Upper Saugeen Watershed Report Card 2007-2011 issued 2013 the benthic population dropped from a grade ‘B’ to a ‘C’. This is a concern in the Township of Southgate as benthos is the community of organisms which live on, in, or near the river bed and is an early indicator of deterioration in water quality. SVCA Report card further encourages planting of trees to protect the watershed. See AWS Environmental Consulting Natural Environment Report Level 1 & 2 December, 2014 (NER) Appendix 8 SVCA Report Card page 48. 2. AWS Environmental Consulting NER December, 2014 In order to reduce the negative impact on unevaluated wetlands, significant woodlands, unnamed river, significant wildlife habitat (Grey Tree Frog, Wood Frog, Northern Leopard and American Toad, Barn Swallow, Eastern Wood Pewee) and prevent soil erosion created from aggregate extraction the remedial planting must be planted before extraction commences and mature trees of at least 6 feet must be included in the remedial plan. The setbacks known as buffer zones in the NER are referred to as minimum setbacks and should be increased in order to protect the linkage between corridors that support Significant Wild Life Habitat such as foraging habitat. Did the NER include in the study area adjacent to internal haul routes through two Township AR Licenced Pits (4898 & 4877) directly to the Municipal Yard.
Submitted May 3, 2019 1:31 PM
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Township of Southgate - Issuance of a licence to remove over 20,000 tonnes of aggregate annually from a pit or a quarry
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