March 18, 2011 Dear Mr…

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March 18, 2011 Dear Mr. Kilby, We would like to express our concerns with regard to the proposed expansion of the quarry owned by C.H. Demill Holdings Inc. in Tyendinaga Township. (EBR Registry Number 011-2498) We operate a farm in close proximity to the quarry and are concerned about its impact on our business. Our main concerns are: 1) Effects on ground and surface water 2) Air quality - dust 3) Excessive truck traffic The primary need of our business is a continuous source of water for our cattle and crops. We believe that the blasting of rock and the quarry depth, which is below the water table, could lead to a loss of our water source as it flows from a north eastern direction. Also, we feel that the boundary of the quarry is too close to the creek which passes though their property and our own. There is potential for pollution or disruption of the flow of the creek. A reliable water source is essential for our current farm business and any future expansion plans. Truck traffic is also a concern as we use the Shannonville Road on a daily basis. On numerous occasions while operating farm vehicles, we have encountered trucks driving at high rates of speed or passing in an unsafe manner especially on hills. This can make it dangerous for ourselves and also other drivers. We feel that the size and depth of the quarry expansion could negatively affect our farm business and family life.