Although this is for the…

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Although this is for the taking of water, there is machinery, pumps or secondary buildings that may need to be constructed or operated. These requirements will be for ALL phases of the project including, but not limited to, the construction phase. These requirements must be included even if they are covered by another regulation or agency. My requirements are that there is no 24 hour a day operation - 7:00 am to 7:00 pm be the maximum operation times Reason – Current 24 hour operations from the Hollinger and Dome mine are causing me adverse effects, such as loss of sleep and loss of enjoyment of property, which have not been solved yet. I am already suffering adverse effects from the dump trucks that haul waste rock from the Dome mine down Goldmine Rd, such as, loss of enjoyment of property. Any additional truck traffic will only worsen the existing adverse effects and for that reason any trucks operating must redirected away from going through the residential area of Gold Mine Rd during any time of day or night. Any existing or added structures, machinery etc.. Which may pose an eye sore must be resolved to mutual satisfaction between the proponent and the resident or the offending object must be removed within a week’s times frame. All aspects of work being done must be governed at a minimum by the NPC-300 noise guideline. This Guideline will apply for all work being done, including but not limited to the construction phase of a project, which the ministry does not monitor or regulate. If the noise levels in the NPC 300 noise guideline are not enough to stop adverse effects, then the operation must be shut down until the issues are resolved to mutual satisfaction between the proponent and the resident.